Catching a Houndoom without Pokeballs is easier than you’d think (Figtank, Pokemon) Related photos 1 A golden retriever and a white-haired receiver (artist:lucienroseta) 1 Mother and daughter bonding (Slush) 1 girls will abandon everything for monster cock (@下っ端) 1 Misty’s Back Alley Adventure (Gerph) 1 Cum drunk in the stables (Linaswalaf) 1 Gaining her own unique benefits (Al Folo) 1 Fun fact: some livestock guardian dogs take their duties VERY seriously (artist: dirtyhorror) 1 The proper way to train a pokemon (sincastermon) 1 Houndoom creampie! (nivi) 1 I might be the team leader but they remind me who’s really in charge (lech lewds)